

The department of Anatomy is located on the ground floor of the college building and is one of the most impressive departments of the college. Each academic year, the department welcomes 100 undergraduate students and 2 postgraduate students. The teaching faculty of the department comprises several learned and eminent personalities in the field of Anatomy. The teachers work in concord to bring about an excellent teaching environment at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A very good teacher student relationship is maintained. Many Junior Residents are present at any time in the department and they are also actively involved in imparting training to the undergraduate students.

The lectures on Anatomy are taken in the lecture hall which is well equipped with audio-visual amenities.

Two demonstration rooms are present with seating capacity of 75-100 students each. The tutorial and demonstration classes are held in them.

The seminar room-cum- library of the department is very impressive. Postgraduate teaching programmes are held round the year on a regular basis. An outstanding array of books are available for members of the teaching faculty. The seminar room is equipped with printing and scanning facilities. High-speed broadband internet connection is provided to the department. Postgraduate students use the internet for research and thesis writing purposes. Overhead projectors and slide projectors are also provided to the students to present seminars.

The histology laboratory is well-equipped with a large numbers of light microscopes of high quality and fine histological slide preparations are used to teach histology to the students. Binocular microscopes with external display connectivity are present in the histology laboratory. A large collection of coloured histology charts are put up on the walls of this laboratory which the students find very useful during practical and demonstration classes.

A separate research laboratory is used solely by the postgraduate students where histological procedures are demonstrated to the postgraduate students by the teachers. Postgraduate students do their research work for thesis writing in this laboratory.

The department boasts of an impressive dissection hall. It is neatly setup, clean and has a very hygienic dissection environment. The department takes great care in meticulously embalming and storing the cadavers. The cadavers are stored in stainless steel tanks containing preservative fluid prepared from double filtered water. An articulated skeleton is always present during dissection classes. Lockers are provided to the students who wish to avail them.

The department takes immense pride and pleasure in possessing an extremely impressive museum.The museum contains articulated human skeletons, anatomical specimens and models and above all a fine collection of embryological specimens with birth defects. A well-stacked collection of bones is present in the museum.

From the teaching point of view, the department strictly follows a teaching calendar in which the topics to be taught are displayed in a date wise sequence. This not only helps the teachers to complete the syllabus but also the students are benefited from it during their personal revision. Students are evaluated by means of continuous assessments on a regular basis and by means of periodical assessments. The teachers monitor the performance of each and every student very carefully and are always ready to provide impromptu solutions to their problems

  • Faculty List Anatomy