

The history of biochemistry spans approximately 400 years. Although the term 'biochemistry' seems to have been first used in 1882, it is generally accepted that the word 'biochemistry' was first proposed in by a German chemist.

However, work in this very living, aspect of chemistry had started much earlier. Claude Bernard was the first to conceive and present to the scientific community - the idea of a fixed internal milieu.

Present scenario in medical science: It has an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Biochemistry is becoming increasingly important as targeted molecular therapies play an increasing role in drug designing. It is taught as a separate subject in the undergraduate medical curriculum and is also a separate specialization for postgraduate studies and higher research in the medical science.


The department has adequate space for running all types of teaching, research activities & biochemical investigation of patients. There are separate chambers for each faculty member - equipped with all necessary articles. Separate rooms are also available for the non-teaching staff, office work & departmental store. For the undergraduate teaching - a seminar room, demonstration hall and one lecture theater equipped with LCD projector and other audio visual equipment needed for teaching are available. An undergraduate laboratory is available for the First professional M.B.B.S. students connected with two rooms for the preparation and storage of reagents. In undergraduate laboratory all types of advance instruments are fitted to perform practical works safely.

Departmental library

A departmental / seminar library is available for faculty members and postgraduate students. The library contains all recent books and is stocked with more than 202 titles including both reference books and textbooks. Adequate number of national and international journals, are subscribed by the college.

Internet facilities

The department is provided with internet connected computer for research purposes and is freely available to postgraduate students.


The department of Biochemistry at Katihar Medical college conducts undergraduate course as part of medical curriculum. Biochemistry is one of the three subjects covered in the First professional M.B.B.S. course. The syllabus for the undergraduate course is spread over two semesters of six-month duration.

The postgraduate course in biochemistry is covered in three years leading to the M.D. (Biochemistry) degree, and runs as per MCI guidelines for postgraduate courses.


The department carries out all routine and specialized tests in the clinical biochemistry laboratory attached to the College Central Laboratory. Some specialized tests including hormone assay are done in their respective laboratories of the department.

Scientific activities

Apart from regular teaching-learning activities and research for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, the postgraduate students have to participate in intradepartmental and inter-departmental seminars, journal reviews, and group discussions, and they also participate in undergraduate teaching activities.

Other scientific activities

The department of biochemistry has been running many research project specially in the field of Diabetes, Ageing, Thyroid function, cancer, Cardiovascular disorder and renal problems.

  • Faculty List Biochemistry