


The Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology has been running since the inception of this college.

The present scenario: Under the guidance of several eminent experts in this field, this department has flourished and blossomed into a subject of great interest. Since the subject has lots to do in the collection of evidence for medico-legal purposes, it has an added element of thrill and interest. This goes a long way in adding to the element of interest in an unconventional subject that has more to do with law than in conventional medicine.


The department of Forensic Medicine has a dedicated, sincere, hard-working and well-qualified set of faculty members conversant with all current trends in the subject.


The department is spacious and has sufficient accommodation for the teaching and non-teaching faculty member such as a seminar room, a departmental library, a departmental museum, a demonstration room, a media preparation room and a departmental office room. The seminar room is equipped with overhead projector and LCD projector.


The departmental museum displays a whole range of posters and models, bones, animals (reptiles) and poisons etc.

Departmental library

A departmental / seminar library for faculty members is available and stocked with more than 125 titles including both reference books and textbooks including books of earlier and current editions.

Demonstration Room

A demonstration room having a capacity of 30 students is available and is used for group discussions for small group and demonstrations (especially by audio-visual aids). The demonstration room has informative photographs and charts.

  • Faculty List Forensic Medicine & Toxicology