
Department of anesthesiology was started with inauguration of S. M. Nawab Hospital in the present premises of Katihar Medical College. Department was started under the leadership of Prof. (Dr.) R. N. Kundu with minimum resources. During the early years, department had only few anesthesia machine and pulse oximeters. Even with minimum resources department maintained high standard of service.In November 1998, Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Jha joined the institution as an assistant professor. He worked hard for the upliftment of working and teaching standards. He got good support from Dr. L. B. Singh, Dr. Salim, Dr. Bharti, Dr. Arshad Imam and Dr. Mirgendra Kumar. Various stalwarts like Dr.Shebala Das, Dr. R. K. Prasad, Dr. Manika Sen and Dr. Shambhu Prasad Singh served at the post of head of department of this institution.

Gas pipe line supply was installed in the O.T. Complex during the year 2007. Presently department has all sophisticated monitoring gadgets, anesthesia work station, I.C.U. ventilator, bronchoscope etc.Intensive care unit was started in the department in 2007.

Postgraduate training was started in department in 2007. Many students have obtained postgraduate diploma and master degree from this institute and are serving in different parts of the nation.Department maintains a high standard of teaching and working environment.


  • Accommodation: Department has 11 well-equipped, centrally air-conditioned operation theaters, separate 3-bed pre-operative area for both male and female, a six-bed well-equipped centrally air-conditioned post-operative- recovery area and a 4-bed well equipped air-conditioned surgical intensive care unit.
  • Unit/Service labs/Day Clinics/Special Clinics: Department runs pre-operative clinic on all weekdays and special pain clinic on every Tuesday.
  • Facilities for teaching: Department utilizes latest audio visual devices and simulators for teaching purposes.
  • Special Infrastructure: Department has adequate infrastructure to undertake all the routine and specialized surgeries including cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, pediatric surgery, Urological, Neurosurgical and day care surgeries.
  • Diagnostic/Health care services offered: Provides anesthesia care for various diagnostic procedures e.g. C.T. Scan, Diagnostics Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, diagnostic endoscopy etc.
  • Separate procedures performed/offered: Department offers pulmonary function testing facility and Bronchoscopy facility.


  • Undergraduate program, objective, methodology and syllabus Objective is to make students aware about various anesthetics and anesthetic techniques. 20 lecture classes are offered including regular clinical training program as per the syllabus prescribed by the Medical Council of India.
  • Postgraduate program, objective methodology, syllabus Objective is to prepare anesthesiologists with sound clinical knowledge and working experience. Teaching program follows syllabus approved by the Medical Council of India.

Other activities (Seminars, Journal Reviews, Group Discussions and Others): Seminars, Journal Reviews, Group Discussions are regular feature in the department.

Departmental Library

Department has got rich collection of books, journals, multi-medias in the departmental library.

Hospital infection surveillance

Regular surveillance in the operation theatres is done with the help of the department of microbiology.

  • Faculty List Anaesthesiology