
Obstetrics & Gynaecology

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is housed in main block on the second floor in the clinical wing since the inception of the clinical teaching.


Accommodation: Adequate space for accommodation of patients, students' teachings, clinical work by the postgraduate students, provision for separate sitting arrangement of faculty members, independent working space for the steno-typist, departmental record keeping room, stores, on-duty medical officers and teaching faculties, restroom during emergency service are available. Accommodation for labour room, labour room operation theatre, septic OT, nursing personnel's room as well as distribution of beds according to clinical units have been provided in one annex. (Provision for 100 beds.)

Unit: Consists of four faculties and Six M.S PGT's.

Service Laboratory

  • Routine Investigations of Urine & Blood
  • Blood for emergency screening.
  • Cardiotocography
  • ABG
  • Doppler Study
  • Microscopic Examination for Complete blood count & malarial Parasite.

Day Clinics

  • OPD for Obstetrics & Gynaecology run from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on all working days.
  • Emergency admission and patient care services run round-the-clock.

Special Clinics

  • MTP Clinic runs daily
  • Pap Smear runs daily
  • Adolescent clinic runs daily
  • PPTCT & ICTC Clinic for screening of HIV I & II runs Daily
  • Hepatitis B clinic runs daily
  • Cancer cervix screening clinic runs on Wednesdays & Saturdays
  • Post-menopausal counselling clinic runs on Tuesdays & Fridays
  • Infertility Clinic runs on Mondays & Thursdays

Facilities for teaching

  • Undergraduate (M.B.B.S) courses for clinical and theoretical classes start from the 4 th semester onwards up to 9 th semester to cover the curriculum as suggested by MCI till the completion of 3 rd Professional Part II final M.B.B.S examinations.
  • Facilities for teaching and training of various National Health Programme under NRHM for district level specialists and medical officers for BEMOC & CEMOC and Integrated Child Health Programme.
  • Facilities for running rural ANC services weekly on a basis and on camp basis at different PHC's

Special Instruments

  • Colposcope
  • Laparoscope
  • Cystoscope
  • CTG
  • ABG Machine
  • USG –TAS & TVS

Diagnostic Health Care Services

Through Special Clinics run in OPD on weekly and bi-weekly basis. Through proper screening procedures for detection of Gynaecological Malignancy, Breast diseases, Ovarian malignancies follow up and prognostic evaluation of high risk cases related to Hydatidiform Mole & Gynaecological Disorders. VILI & VIA tests for early screening.

Special procedures performed and offered

Cytological screening of women of reproductive age group-A new innovative idea implemented through evaluation of :

  • PAP Smear
  • Endocervical Brushing
  • Pool Smear Cytological Studies from secretions collected in the posterior fornices for identification of malignant cells related to the site of genital tract.


  • To review the basic concept of preclinical and para-clinical courses and to implement it in clinical practice in the clinical ward. Say for example the anatomical idea of female pelvis is to convert to the idea of obstetrical pelvis and proceed on.
  • To ensure basic clinical needs related to antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, diagnosis, conduction and management of normal delivery, assisted breech delivery, basic emergency obstetric care, e.g., running of I.V Channel, Resuscitation of hemodynamically unstable patients, conduction of normal delivery, management of P.P.H, and timely referral to the higher center.
  • Methodology: - Theoretical classes, directed lectures, interactions during teaching, surprise tests
  • Bed side clinics, Hands on training in normal delivery through conduction and observation, clinical posting of ward duties, indoor, O.P.D, O.T and rural

Other Activities

  • Seminar- Seminar in our department held twice in a week as a routine procedure follow from the beginning of P.G courses since 2006.
  • Journal Review- Weekly journal review on topics of interest and recent publication by the PGT's in front of senior faculty members for some consencious opinion on controversial issues.
  • Group Discussion- Unit wise group discussion on cases of clinical interest, pre-operative & post-operative complications, maternal review and audit of maternal and perinatal mortality.
  • Other activities- Inter-departmental seminar on common topics related to allied departments in presence of senior faculties of all departments and PGT's under the supervision of faculties of PG Committee.

Recent Developments

  • Research Work: Clinical basic research work is done related to antenatal care services, delivery system prevailing in the periphery, types of obstetrical & gynaecological cases.
  • Service available at the primary health centre, sub-center, district hospital.
  • Facilities for transport for referral to the higher centre.
  • Study on cause of overall morbidity and mortality related to the types of cases and precautions to prevent it.

Other Academic Activities

  • Inter & Intra-departmental seminars.
  • Debate and Quiz.
  • Participation in CME Programme organized by the medical unit as per MCI rule.
  • Participation in workshops and seminars organized by Indian Medical Association & Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society.
  • Training of medical officers and nursing personnel under NRHM for BEmOC & CEmOC Training.

Participation in different specialized workshops like laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic video telecast and three dimensional USG

Departmental library

The library is well-equipped with books and journals of OBG specialties of which 60% of all journals are national and 40% are international journals.

Hospital Infection Surveillance

  • In the form of Grand Round with the Principal, Medical Superintendent, Nurse In-charge along with the HOD of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
  • Daily cleansing and weekly floor washing of all the floors and OT's.
  • Spraying of disinfectants in the toilets and waste disposal through the universal systems using different colour of carry bags and incineration.
  • Study of floor swabs, bed swabs and swabs from OT table and post-operative recovery room and sending it for microbiological examination on monthly basis.

National Health Programme

NSV & IUCDs as part of the National Family Welfare and Planning programme are done routinely as a day-care procedure and bilateral tubal ligation is done as an indoor procedure. Routine antenatal and gynaecology screening of patients as per RCH & NRHM Programme are ongoing procedures.

Non Government Health Programme

From time to time specialists from Gynaecology faculty are deputed to clinics organized by NGOs for women health care services.

Other Information

Round-the- clock, cost effective treatment is being offered to the patients attending the institute for ANC, Day Care Surgery, Major Surgery, Obstetric procedures and Caesarean Sections. Gynaecological health screening in the reproductive and post-menopausal patients is being done in OPD & Special Clinics.

  • Faculty List Obstretics & Gynaecology