
Orthopedics has come a long way since the days of Nicolas Andry, a French physician, who is credited for coining the term, Orthopedics, from two words, Ortho=straight and Pedics=child in 1741. What was a primitive branch then restricted to correcting deformities in children, has developed into a full-fledged specialty with diverse scope ranging from simple treatment to highly advanced joint, spine and hand surgeries.


  • Accommodation The department has got two units, each accommodating thirty patients. It also has a dressing room, a seminar hall, computer lab. with internet connection, a library, a plaster room, physiotherapy department and an operation theatre.
  • laboratory A side-lab for routine investigations is available.
  • Facilitiesfor teaching There are audio-visual, micro, overhead projectors, charts, models, departmental demonstration and seminar rooms.
  • Special instruments The department has a Dexa, portable X-ray machines, all types of orthopedic splints, Balkan's frame, water beds, physiotherapy instruments (automatic and manual CPM, SWD, SUSG massage, wax bath, infrared, all types of orthosis, walkers and crutches).
  • Health care services These include a 24-hour run emergency O.T., O.P.D. from 9:00am to 4:00pm, Physiotherapy department with all facilities and a routine operation theatre fully equipped with advanced machineries.
  • O.T. facilities Our operation theatre has got C-arm, arthroscope, hydraulic O.T. table with all traction attachments, audio- visuals for postgraduate teaching, central oxygen, nitrous oxide, air, and vacuum lines.
  • Surgeries Total Knee Replacement(TKR), Total Hip Replacement(THR), Ilizarov's procedure, all spinal surgeries(cold and trauma), Total Elbow Replacement, all types of diagnostic and operative Arthroscopic surgeries, and many other cold and trauma Orthopedic surgeries are done here.


Courses offered

  • MBBS
  • PG Degree

Goals and objectives


The student shall be able to:

  • Explain the principles of recognition of bone injuries and dislocation
  • Apply suitable methods to detect and manage common infections of bones and joints
  • Identify congenital, skeletal anomalies and their referral for appropriate correction or rehabilitation
  • Recognize metabolic bone diseases as seen in this country
  • Explain etiogenesis, manifestations, and diagnosis of neoplasm affecting bones.


At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:

  • Detect sprains and deliver first aid measures for common fractures and sprains and manage uncomplicated fractures of clavicle, Colles' forearm, phalanges etc
  • Use techniques of splinting, plaster, immobilization etc.
  • Manage common bone infections, learn indications for sequestration, amputations and corrective measures for bone deformities.
  • Advise aspects of rehabilitation for Polio, Cerebral Palsy and Amputation.


At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:

  • Be able to perform certain orthopedic skills, provide sound advice of skeletal and related conditions at primary and secondary health care level.

Post graduate teaching programme

  • Basic Sciences Related to Locomotor system.
  • Development, histology of bone, cartilage, collagen, muscles and nerve.
  • Physiology of bone, carliage, muscle & nerve.
  • Surgical pathology related to bones, cartilage, muscle, collagen & nerve in various congenital affections, infections, Tumours and timorous conditions and metabolic affections.
  • Orthopaedic diseases
  • General principles of Surgery and Traumatology.
  • Exposure to surgical techniques & surgical approaches to various regions to manage common infection, tumor, joint diseases, different type of trauma, congenital, neurological and miscellaneous conditions.
  • Principles of Arthroscopy microsurgery & Arthroplasty.
  • Orthotics & Prosthetics, disability calculation, Bio-mechanics of gait, splints.
  • Thesis for degree course.
  • Under Graduate teaching in clinical methods.
  • Seminar presentation on common topics.
  • Journal reading and discussion.
  • Case presentation, ward record maintenance.
  • Adequate experience in closed reduction of various fractures, as isting major operation, independent operative management of common orthopaedic condition.
  • Preparation of paper for presentation in conference.
  • Preparation of article for publication.

Other Activities

The clinical acumen and skills are frequently brushed up with regular lectures, seminars, journal clubs, group discussions and clinical meetings.

Recent Developements

Research work in the recent and past

Departmental library

It is open round the clock for all faculty members,undergraduate and postgraduate students. It has got a comprehensive collection of latest national and international journals. Latest edition reference and text books of orthopaedics are available.

  • Faculty List Orthpaedics